From Randy Perillo of Stoneham United:
"I attended a meeting of the Stoneham Public Schools Foundation on June 28. Here are some highlights:
Chris Willard, the founder of SPSF, opened the meeting stating that there are a lot of "what ifs" concerning funding for Stoneham Public Schools. Mr. Willard wanted to focus on what the foundation can do now to make a difference. He also reminded the group of over two dozen people, including Board of Selectman Chairman George Seibold, that the School Committee is open to receiving donations from the foundation to help fund programs.
The group's purpose is fundraising. A quarter-page ad in the June 27, 2007 Stoneham Independent states that the foundation is "forming a committee to raise the funds needed to restore... programs which directly impact Stoneham's children." The foundation is a qualified 501c3 charitable organization. Donations to the foundation are tax deductible.
The foundation decided to pursue three specific methods of fundraising in the immediate future: (1) banner advertising on the athletic fields, a program highly successful in Winthrop where high school sports are funded completely by private donations, (2) a direct mail campaign sending information to all Stoneham residents as well as SHS alum, local businesses, and even residents of other Middlesex League towns, and (3) a "support the Spartans" program in larger retail locations in our town (such as Stop & Shop, Shaw's, or Marshall's). The program will allow shoppers to donate a dollar or more to purchase a "Spartan" to post in the store windows to raise awareness of the need for increased funding.
The crowd offered a range of ideas for future fundraising events: contacting Nancy Kerrigan and other SHS celebrity alumni to be part of the efforts, "Monte Carlo" nights, dinner parties, golf tournaments at Unicorn and Bear Hill courses in Stoneham, a mini-golf tournament at Hago Harrington's, on-line auctions, and concerts or performances at Stoneham Theater to benefit the foundation.
Resident and SHS parent Donna Secondini told the gathering that she worked as a coordinator on the St. Patrick's Parish Center capital committee. The parish raised over $5 million in private donations without holding a single fundraising event. Instead the parish contacted individuals about making a 3-5 year commitment of donations. Ms. Secondini called the events "friend-raisers."
Another member of the group stated that the climate is right for a corporate sponsor to step up to fund SHS sports. With all the media coverage as of late, any business who could fund the $400,000-$600,000 annual SHS sports expense would gain much goodwill in the community and across New England through Boston media coverage. Someone mentioned that it would be a good time to "hit up Home Depot" in lieu of the Board of Selectman's favorable vote on the proposed "Stoneham Crossing" project at 225 Fallon Rd. in Stoneham.
Mr. Willard said the foundation will accept donations directed at specific areas of need in the school system. The School Committee can only accept donations and spend the money if it is in compliance with the donor's wishes. Some of the ideas on the menu of choices include, but are not limited to, sports, art, music, and academics. The School Committee plans to create a subcommittee to work with SPSF.