Save The Spartans On
Local media is starting to notice Save The Spartans. While we have their attention, lets let them know what we think about Stoneham's planned cuts. Add to our comments section below any post.
Local media is starting to notice Save The Spartans. While we have their attention, lets let them know what we think about Stoneham's planned cuts. Add to our comments section below any post.
Leon Powe
1:48 AM
Would it be possible to save one of the programs out of priority order if it was a personal donation w/an intended purpose? I was thinking someone from the Stoneham media could get in touch with Nancy Kerrigan (Stoneham grad '87). Shouldn't they be having their 20 year HS anniversary this summer, btw? I wonder if she would be willing to help put together a fund raiser, especially since she's a former athlete who wouldn't want to see the sports programs cut.
I am willing to bet Nancy might have the clout and bank book to get something rolling at least.
I was saddened to hear that the override failed for the second time here in Stoneham. I want to believe that over the summer most of the items up for cutting will not have to be cut. Magically money will appear in our favor. Most families don't have the money to go out and put their kids in private schools although I'm sure we all want that for our children. The political and business people in Stoneham should be ashamed that they let this situation happen here to not only the town but to the children of Stoneham. The people that did not go out and vote for the override should be ashamed too. How much more can the schools cut. In the last 5 years we have lost so much. I hope that another override vote gets right on the ballot and maybe next time it will pass.
No one should be ashamed except the School Committee-they played the wrong card and got caught!Is it fair for the elderly to lose their homes!!This isn't just about sports--sad to say!!
Let's all meet on the Town Common to make sure the trash fee goes through and then let's ask for the cuts to be restored--Call all your classmates--Meet on Common at 6
I am a former MA resident from the city of Malden, now living in FL. What nobody seems to be thinking about, is the fact that without an extra curricular activity, such as a sport, these young people will not have a chance to compete with others to get into a decent college. Most secondary education facilities look for that "extra". I attended college in MA as did my three(3) children. My oldest, who was Salutatarian of her class, didn't make it into her first choice of colleges because she didn't play a sport in high school. You need to look to the childrens' futures and do something about it. Nancy
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