
If Funding Increases, What Gets Saved?

From Randy Perillo of Stoneham United:

"I attended the June 20 School Committee meeting.

The committee distributed a list of all reductions in light of the failed Proposition 2 1/2 tax override on June 19. The list also showed the order in which the school committee would restore programs/personnel in the event funding increased.

Restoration in order of priority (approximate dollar amounts)

1. Close Stoneham Middle School (SMS) rear wing (16 classrooms) and transfer 10 sixth grade teachers to Stoneham's four elem. schools.

2. Eliminate 3.1 FTE (full-time equivalent) SMS art & music teachers ($137k)

3. Elim. 2.1 FTE elem. art & music teachers ($103k)

4. Elim. Stoneham High School asst. principal ($80k)

5. Elim. SMS media specialist ($45k)

6. Elim. 1.0 FTE SMS PE teacher (6-8 grade students will lose 1/3 yr. PE) ($43k)

7. Elim. 1.1 FTE elem. PE teachers (K-5 students will lose 1/2 yr. of PE) ($63k)

8. Elim. SHS athletic program ($393k)

9. Elim. 4 elem. library aides ($67k)

10. Elim. 2 elem. CLASSROOM teachers (Colonial Park 1st grade, South School 3rd grade - class size average increases to over 27) ($66k)

11. Elim. 1.0 FTE School Nurse ($34k)

12. Elim. 2.0 custodial positions (close schools at 7pm) ($79k)

13. Not fund SMS restoration plan (restoring 4 teachers) ($218k)

The total reductions are approximately $1.5 million.

From this statement SHS sports will only return with a minimum of approximately $1 million.

The Board of Selectmen will meet on Tuesday June 26 at 7:30 pm at Town Hall regarding reinstitution of a trash fee which has raised amounts reported at $860,000 to $1.2 million in past years. It is unlikely that the town will turn over 100% of funds to the School Committee.

It is also possible that the trash fee will be lower in past years as its adoption does not take place until after Town Meeting in October, thus making the trash fee collectible for only 2/3 of the year in 2007-08 and after the beginning of the school year and fall semester sports seasons."

Join the Stoneham United mailing list by contacting Randy Perillo at perillo@rcn.com

1 comment:

Spartan195977 said...

Almost all of the cuts deal directly with kids. Why not open the payroll books for all town residents to see. From what I understand about 16 town employees make over $100,000....are you kidding me, it's Stoneham not Boston!
Are you telling me that you can't make cuts anywhere in the DPW, fire and police departments?
I'm pretty sure I could cut the fat from your budget in a heartbeat!
I used to be part of the problem, I was a town employee so I know waste when I read about it!
Have the kids raise money by holding carwashes, yardsales, canning, ect...then the parents pay the difference. If the parents want the sports bad enough they'll pay!
It's very unfair to make all taxpayers pay the price for incompetent town leadership!